Thursday, June 11, 2009

Rainbox Six Vegas 2

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 has secret codes you can enter to change gameplay. Please note these codes are specific to the XBOX 360 version of the game. To activate the following codes, pause the game and hold RB while entering the codes.
  • GI John Doe Mode: Left Thumbstick, Left Thumbstick, A, Right Thumbstick, B, Left Thumbstick, Left Thumbstick, X, Right Thumbstick, Right Thumbstick, Y
  • Super Ragdoll: A, A, B, B, X, X, Y, Y, A, B, X, Y
  • Third Person Mode: X, B, X, B, Left Thumbstick, Left Thumbstick, Y, A, Y, A, Right Thumbstick, Right Thumbstick

To unlock the following weapons, during character customization enter the following codes.

  • TAR-21 Assault Rifle: Hold RB and hit Down, Down, Up, Up, X, B, X, B, Y, Up, Up, Y.
  • M468 Assault Rifle: Hold RB and hit Up, Y, Down, A, Left, X, Right, B, Left, Left, Y

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